
Some speak out in disagreement after Troy bans adult use marijuana sales

Written by Buzz | Jan 13, 2025 4:39:02 PM

TROY — The Troy City Council passed an ordinance banning adult use marijuana sales, and some who disagree with their decisions are speaking out.

“Looks like the moralizers got their way,” Bradley Boehringer, Troy resident, said. “52 percent of voters voted for issue two and by passing this ban, you just told them tonight that their votes don’t matter.”

Boehringer’s concerns are more than just the vote for adult use marijuana, he feels this will open the door for more issues of illegal selling.

“I would much rather want regulated marijuana from a tested facility than I would off the street,” Boehringer said. “You don’t know what’s in that stuff coming off the street.”

The only dual use dispensary, meaning medicinal and recreational use, in Miami County is Ohio Cannabis Company in Piqua. Ohio Cannabis Company sits 10 miles outside the City of Troy.

The next closest dispensaries are in Montgomery County.

Shane Miller said he remembers when the conversation about selling weed legally in the city first started.

“I don’t see or have a problem with it being in town. I think it might be a good thing,” Miller said.

Miller does have a concern now that Troy has made their decision.

“They’re going to continue selling it the illegal way,” Miller said.


by WHIO7