Connecticut’s Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) released a press release Wednesday, reminding residents that alcohol sales will be banned on Christmas and New Year’s Day, but cannabis and gambling is allowed.
Connecticut officials told residents to buy alcohol ahead of time if they want booze on Christamas and New Year’s Day.
“Every year we remind consumers and businesses that, due to Connecticut law, hours for some liquor permittees change during the holidays. If you choose to consume alcohol with your holiday celebrations, be sure to make those purchases ahead of time, and, of course, please drink responsibly,” said Consumer Protection Commissioner Bryan T. Cafferelli.
“And, because we regulate many things you may be wondering about, Connecticut Law does not prohibit the sale of cannabis, or limit your ability to place wagers during the holidays. No matter how you choose to spend the holidays, please know your limit, arrange designated drivers and be respectful of the establishments and communities where you celebrate.”
Changes to hours for certain liquor permittees are only in effect on the day of the actual holidays, Dec. 25 and Jan. 1, which both fall on a Monday this year.
The announcement included the specifics of where alcohol can be purchased:
Regarding off-premise alcohol consumption, package stores must remain closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day; Grocery stores cannot sell beer on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day; and Manufacturer permits cannot sell alcoholic liquor to go on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.
Regarding on-premise alcohol consumption, Permittees who serve food may sell alcohol for on-premise consumption on Christmas Day; Normal hours remain the same, except premises may stay open an extra hour New Years Eve evening until 3 a.m. on New Year’s Day morning.
If anyone has questions about the policy in Connecticut they are encouraged to contact DCP’s Liquor Control Division via email or phone.
“Adults who choose to consume cannabis are reminded to do so responsibly, including storing cannabis products in their original packaging, locked up and out of reach of children and pets,” the release reads. “Resources regarding responsible cannabis use, as well as information about addiction and health risks is available at”
Cannabis sales in the state have no signs of slowing down, according to state data published each month.
The DCP announced in an Oct. 10 press release that new preliminary data shows combined sales for adult-use and medical cannabis totaled to over $25 million for the period from Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, 2023. The numbers do not include adult-use cannabis taxes, and medical cannabis patients never have to pay taxes on cannabis purchases.
“The adult-use market recorded more than $14.3 million in sales during the month of September, while the medical marijuana market recorded almost $11 million in sales for the same period. Adult-use sales began on Jan. 10, 2023,” the report reads.
“In September, medical marijuana patients purchased 284,116 products, and adult-use consumers purchased 376,035 products,” the report continues. “The average product price for medical marijuana patients was $38.21 in September, while the average price of adult-use products was $38.37. In September, 52 percent of sales were usable cannabis, or flower, while vapes made up 30 percent of sales. Edible products represented 11 percent of sales.”
Connecticut regulators have doubled the amount of adult-use cannabis consumers can purchase in a single transaction.
Per the new regulations approved by the Connecticut DCP, adult-use cannabis consumers will be permitted to purchase up to a half-ounce (about 14 grams) of cannabis flower or its equivalent beginning next month.
The limit on purchases of medical marijuana has not been changed. It remains at 5 ounces of cannabis flower or the equivalent monthly, with no limits on purchases in a single transaction.
The DCP noted in a statement that the decision to increase the limit on adult-use cannabis purchases was made based on an ongoing analysis of supply and demand in Connecticut’s regulated cannabis market. The agency also said that the limit will continue to be reviewed over time, adding that the caps are in place to help ensure an adequate supply of cannabis for both adult-use consumers and medical marijuana patients.
“DCP has continually reviewed available supply and demand since prior to the launch of the adult-use cannabis industry in January 2023,” DCP Commissioner Bryan T. Cafferelli said in a statement from the agency. “As more retailers, production companies and other supply chain licensees have come online, the capacity of the industry has increased. We are confident this measured approach to adult-use sales has resulted in a healthy market for businesses, and a safe and fair marketplace for adult-use cannabis consumers and medical marijuana patients.”