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    High Medical Marijuana prices driving consumers elsewhere

    University of Virginia Faces Calls to Release Independent Review, Virginia's High Medical Marijuana Prices Drive Consumers Away, Federal Prison Guard Sentenced, and More: Virginia News Recap.

    • An increasing number of people are calling for the University of Virginia to release its independent review of the murder of three student athletes by another student last year. “Are they hiding something? I don’t know. But I know one way you can stop speculation on it: Release it to the families like you promised.”—Daily Progress

    • A report by the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority found the price of medical marijuana in the state is so high that it’s driving 90% of consumers to other sources besides the state’s medical market.—Cardinal News

    • A high-ranking guard at a federal prison outside Petersburg was sentenced to three years in prison for not taking any action in response to an inmate experiencing medical problems who then died on the floor of his cell.—WRIC, Associated Press  

    • Norfolk City Council rejected a request from the Southern States Police Benevolent Association to allow collective bargaining by city employees.—Virginian-Pilot 

    • “The federal government has agreed to pay $900,000 to settle a potential lawsuit from the family of a veteran who committed suicide, just hours after being discharged from the psychiatric unit of the Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center.”—Roanoke Times

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