More than $12,6 million was spent on the opening weekend of marijuana sales in Missouri and now micro businesses in the state will get a share of the pot.
Cannabis microbusinesses are eyeing the Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation website to see if they won the lottery of being selected for a legal license.
$12.6 million was spent -- Consumer sales totaled more than $8.5 million of that with $4.1 million in medical marijuana sales. That number could change due to data processing time, returns, or refunds – but regardless, that’s a lot of money.
The department received more than 1,600 hundred applications, 400 wholesale applications, and 1,000 dispensary applications. Six microbusiness license applicants will be selected within each of the eight Missouri congressional districts – two for dispensaries and four for wholesale facilities for a total of 48 microbusiness licenses. The department will then issue an additional 48 in 2024 and an additional 48 in 2025.
The department’s website says the drawing was made without a reference to who the applicants were.
A microbusiness differentiates from a medical or comprehensive facility because it’s designed to provide a path to facility ownership for people who might not easily access that chance, according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Also those with a net worth of less than $250,000 or veterans with a service-connected disability.