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    Milwaukee convenience store loses license over video showing Marijuana and guns

    A Milwaukee business will lose its licenses for what a video captured: people inside dancing, smoking, discussing marijuana usage, and waving guns. 

    On Tuesday, April 18, the Milwaukee Common Council voted not to renew the food and alcohol licenses for Chambers East Food Market, a convenience store that sells drinks, beer, snacks, pizza and other food. The licenses are set to expire on Friday. 

    Common Council members said people were also spotted flashing gang signs in the 30-minute video, which was recorded in November 2022. 

    "Enough is enough. This crap has to stop and the fact that it was so blatant in camera, a firearm with a silencer," said Milwaukee Alderman Mark Borkowski.

    "It’s not far to believe that a shooting could happen. That something much worse could happen because all the pieces are right there," said Milwaukee Alderwoman Milele Coggs.

    The attorney representing the store urged the council to renew the license – and offer a lesser punishment. 

    "When the incident took place, and I’m not trying to minimize what happened in the video, my client [Davindnerjit Kaur] was in India, addressing some family issues and health issues," said Michael Maistelman, attorney representing the store. 

    Maistelman also argued the city didn't follow the "customary and required principles of progressive discipline," which includes warning letters and other steps before revoking a license.

    Attorney Maistelman blamed the licensee's brother, who he says was in charge while the licensee was out of the country.

    "The agent’s brother who caused these problems, and they were problems, is going to be selling the building and getting out of that business. He’s the one that caused these problems," Maistelman said.

    After discussion during the full Common Council meeting, the 15 members voted not to renew the store's licenses.

    "We have to get rid of these damn firearms and anyone who thinks its fun or things it’s cool, you have no place in this city," Borkowski said.

    The store owner's attorney tells FOX6 News they are looking at all of their options – including going to court to challenge the council's rejection of their license renewal.

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