ST. LOUIS - Marijuana is making mega money in Missouri and at the Viola STL Dispensary near 20th and Olive streets in downtown St. Louis.
"Business is booming here. Every day, we are seeing steady lines," Viola STL Manager Marwa Babieker said.
"We are excited to see all of the customers come through," dispensary salesperson Abryon Givins said.
It's been two months since recreational marijuana became legal in the show me state. Analysts said cannabis sales grew more than 22% in March.
5 On Your Side's partners at the St. Louis Business Journal reported total sales of both medical and recreational cannabis reached nearly $126.2 million last month.
"We're very happy to hear those numbers," Viola STL's manager added.
Six weeks ago when Viola STL first opened its doors, crowds of cannabis-purchasing customers packed the place.
"On our grand opening, the lines stretched three blocks. Every day since, we have been growing in terms of customers and in our sales, so we're seeing a lot of growth," Babieker said.
From edibles to flowers to everything marijuana-related, people are snatching it up.
"We're seeing a variety of people, from all ethnicities and they are from 21 and above all the way to their 90s," Babieker said.
"We get a nice rush and then it slows down. Some people might stroll through during lunch and their off days and then come at night. Of course, we are extremely busy on the weekends," Abryon Givins said.
No doubt, a galore of growers, cannabis-seeking customers and satisfied dispensary owners are crossing their fingers the soaring sales keep growing, keep boosting the state's economy.
"It is what makes us come in every single day," Babieker said. "We love the opportunity, the growth and the potential of the market. We're all about the green. Also, we are right across the street from the city's new soccer stadium and blocks away from Busch Stadium, so any time there are home game nights, sports fans flock here and help keep our sales going."