The industry sold more than $352 million in 2022, bringing new revenue to hundreds of dispensary owners.
Last year, 2022, marked the first calendar year with legal, recreational cannabis in New Mexico, and our state's economy has a new source of growth. It was legalized in April 2022, and the industry has taken off since then.
In the month of April, New Mexico sold more than $22 million worth of recreational cannabis. Four months later, in August, the state made $24 million; four months after that, in December, it was the biggest yet with $28 million.
The industry sold more than $352 million in 2022, bringing new revenue to hundreds of dispensary owners. Trishelle Kirk is one of them. Kirk is the CEO of Everest Cannabis Co.
"New Mexico really showed up for recreational cannabis markets. We're still seeing people joining the market of recreational cannabis. We doubled in size and added 100 jobs in 2022. We also opened five new stores," Kirk said.
Kirk believes the longer recreational cannabis is legal in New Mexico, the more comfortable consumers get with trying it. She also said this is just the beginning of the cannabis industry in New Mexico.
"We saw an enormous amount of expansion in the cannabis industry in 2022. Now, the industry is going to mature. We're going to see prices come down as the market matures and expands. We're going to see even more customers saying this is a good option for their families," Kirk said.
The latest data released by the state says there are a total of 563 dispensaries in New Mexico.