
How do faith and consumption of Cannabis products go together?

Written by Admin | Mar 7, 2024 8:48:53 PM

Cannabis has a fascinating and long history. People first used Cannabis in central Asia.

For centuries, people have utilized Cannabis for its purported medicinal benefits. Its usage was first recorded in 2800 BC when Emperor Shen Nung included it in his pharmacopeia; he is the founder of Chinese medicine. In addition, the scriptures of Hindus, Greeks, Assyrians, and Romans all describe the therapeutic uses of Cannabis. These books claimed that ancient people might use marijuana to cure many ailments.

Shamanic and pagan societies use Cannabis as an aphrodisiac during rituals, contemplate seriously religious and philosophical issues relating to their tribe or civilization, acquire a state of enlightenment, and uncover undiscovered truths and worlds of the human mind and subconscious. Keep reading the article to learn about this fascinating plant, and if readers want to try it, we have a trusted online vendor named 1 gram kief for your convenience.

Cannabis Sativa Plant

Cannabis is the collective name for a trio of psychedelic plants: Cannabis ruderalis, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis Sativa. One of the world’s most widely used potential medications (dronabinol nabilone) is produced by harvesting and drying the blossoms of these plants. Some refer to it as marijuana, while others refer to it as weed or pot.

There are more than 120 cannabinoids—components of Cannabis—in all. Each cannabinoid’s function is yet unknown to experts, although two of them, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol, are pretty well understood (THC).

CBD,  Although it is a psychoactive endocannabinoid, this substance won’t make you intoxicated or euphoric, so you won’t get “high.” However, researchers are thoroughly investigating the usefulness of using CBD for medicinal purposes.

THC  is the principal psychotropic element in marijuana. Therefore, the “trance” that most people equate with Cannabis is because of THC.

Cannabis And Religion

The usage of marijuana as ceremonial incense among other naturally fragrant plants is where the relationship between Cannabis and religion first emerged. When Thrown upon a flame or smoldering coals, the substance would emit clouds of THC-rich smoke that the onlookers could inhale. In addition, they would have been more convinced that they were in contact with their god because of their improved ability to perceive colors, noises, and the passage of time.


Taoist scriptures illustrate the significance of marijuana. For example, the 570 AD Taoist book Wushang Biyao, which translates as “Supreme Secret Essentials,” mentions the Taoist propensity to experiment with mind-altering smokes and the usage of Cannabis in incense burners during rites.

Toaist xian (omnipotent) was connected to the elixir of life during the Tang dynasty through the worship of Magu (Miss Hemp). On the seventh day of July (the 7th month), in time for Taoist feasts, disciples of Magu collected marijuana there, according to Taoist tradition. Mount Tai is considered holy in Taoist belief.


Regarding Cannabis, Buddhists have a variety of opinions. Some groups are more accepting of Cannabis usage, while others are adamantly against it. Despite the conflicting views, the plant impacted the Buddha’s path: Gautama Buddha ate one hemp seed every day for six years as part of his diet on the road to enlightenment.

The Vajrayana philosophy (Way of the Diamond) asserts that it provides a quicker route to enlightenment and places a significant emphasis on karma. Cannabis and other stigmas are subject to the most excellent tolerance at this school. It encourages adherents to recognize the purity of all things, even sex and narcotics like marijuana.


Hindus see Cannabis as sacramental, an offering, and a material made from Shiva’s blood, one of their trinity gods. Even the Vedas, the religion’s holy books, mention the sacredness of marijuana. The pages talk about Five sacred plants. Cannabis is among them, and some Hindus think a guardian angel resides in the leaves. In the Vedas, marijuana is also a “liberator” and a “source of bliss.”

Hindu festivals are also significant occasions for bhang. During Shivaratri and Holi, this hallucinogenic beverage made from Cannabis, milk, and flavorful herbs induces a state of altered awareness.


Regarding marijuana, Christians have varying opinions. Orthodox, Catholic, and more conservative and mainly Protestant churches forbid Cannabis usage. However, the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Episcopal Church are among the Protestant denominations that do accept the use of medicinal marijuana.

Additionally, some experts believe that marijuana is mentioned in the Bible but very subtly. The pro-Cannabis argument has been developed further by several scholars who study the texts. They contend that Cannabis was a component of the restorative salve that Jesus and his followers prepared.


The Muslims of the Middle East did not experiment with hashish until 1,800 decades back, 200 years after the death of Muhammad, despite people there using Cannabis as a sedative as early as 1,000 BCE. However, in the mystical branch of Islam, marijuana has spiritual importance. Sufis are those who worship this religion and lead austere lives. They give up material possessions to cleanse their souls through prayer and fasting.

Brief Timeline Of Cannabis Through Ages

  • According to Hindu mythology, Shiva got the nickname “The Lord of Bhang” somewhere in the first century BC because he loved eating marijuana.
  • Emperor Shen Nung included marijuana in his pharmacopeia around 2800 BC.
  • Galen utilized Cannabis for its medicinal benefits and mood-boosting effects between 129 and 200 AD.
  • Dunstan and Henry discovered cannabinol in 1898. (CBN).
  • The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 essentially taxed marijuana usage for medical and recreational reasons out of existence in the USA.
  • California passed the Compassionate Use Act in 1996, making medicinal marijuana legal there.
  • Washington & Colorado were the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2012.


Humans are undoubtedly peculiar beings. Yet, along the process of evolution, an upright apelike creature with self-awareness appeared. This quality led to abstract ideas of other worlds, higher creatures, and evolutionary biology, aiding in language development and self-reflection.