
Vets warn cannabis users to make sure pets dont consume the products

Written by Admin | May 24, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Some veterinarians say that the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey could lead to a dangerous situation for pets.

The vets are warning about potential marijuana toxicosis, which is when an animal inhales or ingests cannabis. This is not good for animals, which is why people are urging anyone consuming cannabis to be careful around their pets.


Dr. Ted Spinks runs the Animal Hospital of Sussex County. He says that he has seen an average of three to four cases of marijuana toxicosis per year.


Dogs are curious. Cats are curious. And they eat it, Spinks says.


Theres no liver toxicity or kidney toxicity, but the symptoms could last 96 hours.


Spinks says pets will eat the leafy buds but have also been known to go after easily ingested edibles and THC butter and oils.


Signs of marijuana toxicosis include dilated pupils, loss of balance or incontinence  mainly urination.


Health care officials say it is important for new marijuana users to recognize that animals can suffer from inhalation. Spinks warns pet owners to never blow smoke into an animals face.


Dont be childish because they could get secondhand smoke inhalation. Give them a well-ventilated area, he says.


Spinks says that one advantage to legalization is that now pet owners will feel better admitting that their pets got into their stash.


Before legalization, it was a little tricky. Owners didnt want to admit they had cannabis in the home, he says.


Spinks says if anyone sees their pet actually eat the marijuana, they have 30 minutes to induce vomiting. Anyone who is concerned should immediately contact a veterinarian.